[컨템포러리] Walk the Demon - Marco Goecke (NDT 1 | Saisonnier)

Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) | Marco Goecke's new piece 'Walk the Demon’ for the NDT 1 programme ‘Saisonnier’. ndt.nl/tickets/saisonnier

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Walk the Demon
Choreography by Marco Goecke

Dramaturgist: Nadja Kadel
Assistant to the choreographer: Ralitza Malehounova
Music: Antony & the Johnsons (1998 – 2015): The Lake; Everything is new; © Published by Kobalt Music Publishing; Pavel Haas (1899 – 1944): From String Quartet no. 2, Opus 7, Arrangement by Marijn van Prooijen; The Moon and I, Part 3 “From the monkey Mountains”, Music by Pavel Haas, published/ licensed by © Boosey & Hawkes, London / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage; Pehr Henrik Nordgren (1944 – 2008): From String Quartet, opus 54, Part 2: “Dance Away your Worries”. Music by Pehr Hendrik Nordgren, published/ licensed by © Scott Music, Mainz / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage.
Music advisor: Jan Pieter Koch   
Light: Udo Haberland
Décor & costumes: Marco Goecke

World premiere: 27 September 2018, Zuiderstrandtheater, The Hague
Duration: 28 minutes

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Check out the website for more information! http://bit.ly/2xmcJoB

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