[컨템포러리] Elements of Life: Air, Earth, Water, Metal, Fire - Contemporary Dance Choreography | Momo Sanno“When I was creating the idea for the elements, I was trying to express, to embody the fact that we are not alone. It is not only us as humans on this Earth. We are connected, we are one. We are part of nature, we are not against the natural way of the world. In our body, we find all the main elements, earth, water, fire, metal. There is a sublime connection that takes place between us, our self and the natural world that surrounds us. And when we allow this conversation to take place, we find a deeper understanding, and the selfless aspect of our being loosens its solidity, it can even dissipate for a period of time, and we can sink into a deeper world, one that does not put accent on separation but on Ones”. - an interview to Shanqa.com http://www.shanqa.com/dancing-oneness/
More about this project: http://www.momosanno.com/work#/elements/